About our Hindu Youth Movement
Youth meetings take place each week on Fridays between 16h30 and 18h00 at a local school. We have on average 60 youth attending three different classes, divided on the basis of age categories. The youth movement was launched in 2009, and the numbers have been growing steadily ever since. The lessons are presented in a really fun manner, with a good balance between fun activities and spiritual discourse. Our primary material source is the Bhagavad Gita, Thirukkural and the Ramayana. We have adopted certain strategies to attract and sustain our numbers, as listed below:
- We do not gravitate towards any particular linguistic group, or Hindu denominations, thus attracting youth from across Hindu spectrum.
- We provide free transport, to and from youth meetings at our organisations cost, which is outsourced.
- Youth programs are well balanced between scripture lessons, fun activities, and youth games.
- We have divided our youth into three different age categories, with programs designed to appeal to that specific age category.
- Each year the youth are taken on excursions at no costs to themselves.
- After each weekly program each child is given a packet of chips as a reward for their attendance.
- During the spiritual lessons’ children are asked questions on what they have been taught, and those with the correct answers are rewarded with sweets or mini chocolates.
- Once a month we provide a birthday cake and celebrate the birthdays of all the youth for that particular month.
We can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. should you require further info.