Hindu women's prayer meetings are held every alternate week in our community hall. The format of these prayer meetings is a breakaway form the old format that we as Hindus have come to expect.

The program format consists of discourses followed by interactive discussions, meditation, chanting of mantras and scripture reading, all of this interspersed with fun and games. Prayer meetings are conducted using resources and best practices of all Hindu denominations, Saints and Sages without bias, thus breaking down barriers based on language barriers, social status, and differences to varying denominations.. The primary aim of the prayer meetings is to encourage Hindu women to place their faith in God through the guidance of our scriptures, and in turn has resulted in the creation of an emotional support structure for each other.


Arts and crafts classes are conducted every alternate Tuesdays in our community by the UHDC Womens Committee. These classes are free of charge to the public.

This is an opportunity for women in our community to showcase their various talents, and for others to learn from this. There have been cases in the past where similar initiatives in our community have produced people who have been able to use such skills to empower themselves and generate incomes for their families.

The "Arts and Crafts" also serves as a means for Hindu women to selflessly serve our community, as articles produced here are also used as gifts for functions that we host during the course of the year, like our "Light up a Life", "Senior Citizens Appreciation Day" and "Hindu Womens Day of Prayer".